RISCS Workshop on a Capability Approach to Digital Privacy and Security – Partha Das Chowdhury

Every individual should be able to securely participate in a digital first society; there are no ‘wrong kind of leaves’. While usable security has contributed significantly to bring humans to the centre of systems design, quantitative evaluation of preferences cannot

Anticipating security trends – an exercise in creative writing – Simon Shiu

Predicting future security challenges is hard. It involves anticipation and imagination. How will emerging technologies be used by entrepreneurs and businesses to change systems and infrastructures? And conversely, how will adversaries exploit the new opportunities and attack surfaces. It is

Cyber Statecraft in an Era of Systemic Competition – project workshop write up by Kester Brookland

As the American Museum in Bath welcomed over thirty delegates from across the UK, the surroundings made an apt fit for an exploration of cyber power: stately yet quiet gardens and sombre statues of the US founding fathers. The décor

POSTER CALL (Deadline 16 Feb 2024): RISCS Annual Conference March 2024, ‘Cyber Security Futures’

DO you identify as an Early Career Researcher?    DOES your research align with the objectives of the Research Institute for Sociotechnical Cyber Security (RISCS)?    If the answer is ‘yes’, COME AND PRESENT your research poster at the RISCS Annual Conference,

EPSRC/Dstl funding – awarded to Prof. Steven Furnell and Dr Tim Stevens

Congratulations to Steven Furnell and Tim Stevens on each being awarded funding from EPSRC/Dstl for their projects. The RISCS Team is very much looking forward to supporting you on these projects; information on collaborative activities will follow, but for now,