Universal Barriers Framework Resources

The Universal Barriers Framework offers new insights into cyber security risks that people are likely encounter in their day-to-day work – especially if they are a public sector employee, including local councils and arms-length bodies, or part of the government’s private sector supply chain.

The Framework illustrates that systems and designs need to consider the real-world situations in which employees practice security, including situations when they are tired, stressed, busy, unconfident, unmotivated, and uncompliant. The Framework extends traditional usability thinking and highlights why usable and accessible cyber security design is necessary.

Here you will find a full set of resources designed to provide an introduction to the Framework – as well as to serve as training materials for departments and teams wanting to learn more about the 11 Universal Barriers. Please feel free to download and use these under Creative Commons – let us know what you think @RISCS Mailbox

With grateful thanks to the RISCS Universal Barriers project contributors and researchers: Lizzie Coles-Kemp, Luke Damerest, Jessie Hamill-Stewart, Frances Pickworth, Cecilia Thirlway and Sophia Walsh.
