The RISCS Fellowship in Digital Responsibility examines what the term ‘digital responsibility’ means and its relevance to security. Its goal is to enhance the relationships between responsibility and the design, deployment, and use of security controls so that the effectiveness of security controls is improved for all. The Fellowship was launched in 2020 and its initial purpose was to develop a research agenda that furthered our understanding of digital responsibility. With a research agenda established, in 2023 a second phase for the Fellowship began, and attention was turned to the operationalisation of digital responsibility and how we can make this often-abstract concept into something practical that can be embedded in day-to-day cyber security practice. Over the next 12 months we plan to publish our outputs from the first phase of the digital responsibility Fellowship and to set out a framework for thinking through where and how to enable digital responsibilities. We are also committed to the development of an engagement toolkit to support discussions related to the realisation, establishment, and actioning of digital responsibilities.